Rental Information
Check in Time:
Any time after 4 PM
Check Out Time:
11 AM on your departure day
Quiet Time Policy:
11 PM to 8 AM
NO Smoking / NO Pets of any kind allowed.
Is provided prior to arrival and after departure.
Maximum 4 adults or 2 adults and 3 children
Guests arriving with pets or parties larger than the allowed size for the condo they've reserved will be asked to make alternate arrangements for the extras in their party.
Security/damage deposit will be refunded when you return the unit in the pre-rental condition. Any costs due to damage, broken or missing items, rules disobeyed or any other costs will be first deducted from your security deposit and secondly (if required) charged to you.
Security/damage deposit will be returned to you within 2-3 days of your check out date. (INTERAC e-transfer)